Dishing It Out-2016
Dishing it Out-2016 was an 11 month pre-election project featuring either a monthly exhibit, a public participation performance, or public event. The goals were to have fun, encourage other artists to dabble in political satire, promote free speech, and use humor to alleviate some pre-election stress. It was also used to raise $1,000 for the Las Vegas Art Academy, and it was used to register voters by partnering with ROCK THE VOTE. Some national recognition resulted from a Huffington Post art website, where several participating artists had their work selected for publication. As an artist, this was an opportunity for me to try my hand at transferring photographs to heavy gold rimmed ceramic plates. Five sets of plates ( 22 per set) were made. Each participating artist received a plate, and one set was raffled off. I kept the third set. and 2 sets are still available for exhibition or purchase. Mugs and playing cards were also created for collectors of political memorabilia.